Sunday, 12 June 2011

Big Update!

So, I (Holly) was in the house baking brownies.  Andrew ran in and told me to come outside quickly.  He had taken the dogs out for a potty break so I went to see what was going on.  Andrew told me to stay by the house and he took Romeo to the fence...and Romeo jogged to me like he used to!  :D  I almost cried!  He had his ears down and this really determined look on his face as he jogged up to me and gave me a big kiss.  This is so incredibly amazing!  Mia thought the old Romeo was back and was nipping at him to play with her so we had to get her to settle down.  Romeo did this not once, but thrice!  So, so awesome!  We can't be letting him run, but this seemed to be a pretty good pace.  

He's taking careful steps around the house and keeping himself upright while walking a little longer now so this is all great, great progress as you can imagine.  His rehab today consisted of being in the tub, standing/light bouncing on an exercise ball, and balance shifting on the ball.  I think Romeo deserves a nice leg massage later.  :)

1 comment:

  1. And a treat to go along with that leg massage! So well deserved!!! :)
