Saturday, 18 June 2011

Update From Home

Napping with Mommy and Mia after a big day

Romeo had a check-up with his regular vet, Dr. Sexsmith, today.  She was very impressed with his progress.  The last time she saw him was the day after his paralysis kicked in.  So today, she walked in the room and said, "Oh good, he's able to stand."  Then he started to walk and she said, "OH!  And he can walk!  Yay for ambulating!"  *lol*  She checked his reflexes, his back end business, and a urinalysis and she said he's looking great.  There were some crystals in his urine, but it was very concentrated so that's not a surprise and she's not concerned.  His back legs still have aways to go to build that muscle back up.  We're going to talk to her in a few weeks about doing some more advance rehab exercises though, to be honest, he's able to partially do some she already suggested (like stepping over something like a broom handle).  

Romeo made some big progress this evening:  He was able to scratch his ear with his left leg!  :D  You try not scratching at something out of your reach for nearly a month and see how you'd feel once you were able to finally get at that itch.  And it wasn't a clumsy scratch either; he was giving himself a really thorough scratching so that was completely awesome.

We've noticed that he's trying to compensate for his right leg not being as coordinated/strong as his left leg.  For example, he'll balance himself more to the left or he'll hop his right leg to try and catch up with the left.  Animals are so much more resilient than people are.  I swear.  

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